Letters to Heaven Postbox at Castlederg Cemetery Consultation

Consultation has concluded


Letters to Heaven is a new initiative that will see special letterboxes situated in four of the largest cemeteries across the city and district, allowing visitors to send letters to loved ones they have lost.

The initiative was brought to the attention of the Council earlier this year by former Mayor, Cllr Graham Warke who was contacted by a local woman who recently lost a family member, leaving behind a young son. The woman felt the young boy would benefit if he thought he could write a letter to his father. They were inspired by a similar scheme which was initially rolled out in Nottinghamshire and then other areas across the UK including Antrim and Newtownabbey Council in Northern Ireland and Derry City and Strabane District Council.

Grief is a journey that each person experiences differently and strategies which work for one person may be less effective for someone else. There is a body of evidence which suggests that one way which may bring comfort through the grief, is the act of writing down feelings or sharing thoughts on paper, whether that is on the day of an important anniversary or any day of the year.

Providing a facility for bereaved people, particularly children, but also adults, to send messages to their deceased loved ones, may greatly benefit their emotional and psychological wellbeing as a profoundly cathartic experience.

Our post boxes

Located within the District’s four largest cemeteries, the ‘letters to heaven’ post box enables people to write letters, cards and messages to those they have lost, and ‘post them’.

This includes letters, postcards, birthday cards, anniversary cards, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards or Christmas cards – any simple written format you want it to be and regardless of when the loved one passed or where their funeral service took place. Our post boxes are available to anyone who feels they may benefit from it.

Every letter or card put into the memorial post box is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. They are stored securely, are never opened or read then are disposed of confidentially. The post box is not owned or serviced by Royal Mail, so no address or stamp is needed on any messages to loved ones put into it.

Current situation

The pilot scheme was endorsed by Full Council in March 2023 after being proposed by Cllr Graham Warke.

The locations for the special Letters to Heaven Letterboxes include the City Cemetery and Ballyoan in Derry, Castlederg and Strabane cemeteries.

We are keen to hear your views on the commencement of the scheme, specifically at Castlederg Cemetery.


Letters to Heaven is a new initiative that will see special letterboxes situated in four of the largest cemeteries across the city and district, allowing visitors to send letters to loved ones they have lost.

The initiative was brought to the attention of the Council earlier this year by former Mayor, Cllr Graham Warke who was contacted by a local woman who recently lost a family member, leaving behind a young son. The woman felt the young boy would benefit if he thought he could write a letter to his father. They were inspired by a similar scheme which was initially rolled out in Nottinghamshire and then other areas across the UK including Antrim and Newtownabbey Council in Northern Ireland and Derry City and Strabane District Council.

Grief is a journey that each person experiences differently and strategies which work for one person may be less effective for someone else. There is a body of evidence which suggests that one way which may bring comfort through the grief, is the act of writing down feelings or sharing thoughts on paper, whether that is on the day of an important anniversary or any day of the year.

Providing a facility for bereaved people, particularly children, but also adults, to send messages to their deceased loved ones, may greatly benefit their emotional and psychological wellbeing as a profoundly cathartic experience.

Our post boxes

Located within the District’s four largest cemeteries, the ‘letters to heaven’ post box enables people to write letters, cards and messages to those they have lost, and ‘post them’.

This includes letters, postcards, birthday cards, anniversary cards, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards or Christmas cards – any simple written format you want it to be and regardless of when the loved one passed or where their funeral service took place. Our post boxes are available to anyone who feels they may benefit from it.

Every letter or card put into the memorial post box is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. They are stored securely, are never opened or read then are disposed of confidentially. The post box is not owned or serviced by Royal Mail, so no address or stamp is needed on any messages to loved ones put into it.

Current situation

The pilot scheme was endorsed by Full Council in March 2023 after being proposed by Cllr Graham Warke.

The locations for the special Letters to Heaven Letterboxes include the City Cemetery and Ballyoan in Derry, Castlederg and Strabane cemeteries.

We are keen to hear your views on the commencement of the scheme, specifically at Castlederg Cemetery.