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Equal Opportunities Monitoring Questionnaire

Derry City & Strabane District Council would welcome your views on the proposed development on the proposed recycling collection facility at Drumquin Road.

We would particularly like to hear your views on the proposed layout and whether any aspects of the scheme should be changed, added to or withdrawn.

0% answered

Equal Opportunities

Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998) requires public authorities to prepare an equality scheme showing how they propose to fulfil the duties imposed by section 75. This includes checking how proposed policies affect the promotion of equality of opportunity and good relations for people from different Section 75 groups.

As Council is now preparing to carry out a public consultation on the proposed new cemetery at Mullenan, we would like to collate information on who is and who is not impacted by it.  In analysing this data, it is important for Council to identify differences within and between equality categories.  Council will be able to cross tabulate and compare sub-groups to get a better understanding of how each grouping is affected.

Whilst this is a voluntary process, your participation is encouraged as this would enhance the robustness of the final survey analysis 

All responses are anonymous.


Would you like to take the Equal Opportunities questionnaire?