Consultation: Pathways Out of Poverty: Anti-Poverty Action Plan

Derry City and Strabane District Council is seeking the views of the public on its Draft Anti-Poverty Action Plan.

The consultation will run for a 8 week period ending on 28th March.

The purpose of the Anti-Poverty Action Plan is to address the levels of poverty and deprivation across the Council where it is reported that 16% of households here are in poverty with a further 10% at risk of poverty. It further reports that following the pandemic and the rising cost of living more people are becoming vulnerable to poverty in particular single people, single parents, households with more than three children and people with disabilities.

The Council has produced a Draft Anti-Poverty Action Plan through a co-design approach involving local people and partners following a series of workshops and discussions that helped develop strategic themes and deliverable actions. Among the themes that have draft actions assigned to them are – 1 – Lobbying and Advocacy “Voice and Action,” 2 – Access to Support “Navigating and Collaborating”, Skills and Employment, “Empowerment and Choice”, and 4 – Supporting our Communities “Resilience and Partnership.”

The public are invited to have their say and give feedback on the proposed approach to tackling poverty in the Council area.

For further information please email

Derry City and Strabane District Council is seeking the views of the public on its Draft Anti-Poverty Action Plan.

The consultation will run for a 8 week period ending on 28th March.

The purpose of the Anti-Poverty Action Plan is to address the levels of poverty and deprivation across the Council where it is reported that 16% of households here are in poverty with a further 10% at risk of poverty. It further reports that following the pandemic and the rising cost of living more people are becoming vulnerable to poverty in particular single people, single parents, households with more than three children and people with disabilities.

The Council has produced a Draft Anti-Poverty Action Plan through a co-design approach involving local people and partners following a series of workshops and discussions that helped develop strategic themes and deliverable actions. Among the themes that have draft actions assigned to them are – 1 – Lobbying and Advocacy “Voice and Action,” 2 – Access to Support “Navigating and Collaborating”, Skills and Employment, “Empowerment and Choice”, and 4 – Supporting our Communities “Resilience and Partnership.”

The public are invited to have their say and give feedback on the proposed approach to tackling poverty in the Council area.

For further information please email